Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Cowboy In Me

The Cowboy In Me, originally uploaded by knledford.

When I was a kid I would pretend to be a cowboy. My friend and neighbor Richard would come over and we'd ride our invisible horses many hours of miles. In the front lawn of my Grandma's house stood this piece of iron work my Grandpa had built countless years ago. The bandit we called "him" as it strikes a cowboy look. Used as a flower pot holder for my Grandmother, who never quite figured out why her flowers kept turning over on there own. We'd ride our 'horses' though canyons and rivers, over large mountains and deep valleys, and fight the bandit in one of those classic western shootouts. With his hip "six shooter" and witty quick moves, he provided countless hours of heroic good times. Weathered and beaten, The Bandit still stands in a shadow beside our barn, lonely and forgotten. Not a time I see him though, does he not take me back to those horses, with the largest tumbleweeds ever seen and the biggest badest cow pokin' riders the west ever saw...


Blogger rachelpennington said...

You are SOOO in for a butt-kickin' the next time I see you! Your post made me cry a little bit. And I'm at work, for cryin' out loud!

You're a talented writer, you should look into that--and FOLLOW THROUGH!

*not mentioning a certain wedding album*

Good times.... (o=

Blogger Chrisi said...

That is so sweet! I never knew you were so sappy. ;o)
Honestly, that is beautiful. Love your blog!


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