Sunday, January 30, 2005

Stormy Weather

NO01WEB, originally uploaded by knledford.

A scarey storm moves in over the streets of New Orleans' French Quarter. I had the opportunity to go to New Orleans alittle over a year ago with my good friend Amanda. We had such a great time! I called her up at 2pm and asked if she wanted to take a trip, we were on the road by 7pm - Beach bound. We went on a 5 day road trip to Biloxi, MS & New Orleans, LA. We had so much fun, we pulled into Biloxi at 4am went into the Grand Casino, spent $0.75 in a quarter slot machine & I won $200.00. We high-tailed it out of there, made a pit stop at Denny's and headed for New Orleans. Unfornately it stormed the whole day so it wasn't the best day to tour the French Quarter. We walked and shopped and toured the historic French Quarter the whole day before returning to Biloxi. At that point we had been awake for a total of 42 hours straight and needed sleep. We managed to find 1 hotel that had rooms for less that $300.00 per night and jumped at the offer. After a good 12 hours sleep and a hot shower we hit the town again. We saw the sights, visited a few lighthouses and shops, enjoyed a 0.99 cent heartattack in a brown sack and hit the casino nickel slot machines. The nickel machines proved to offer 13 hours of good times. We invested 20.00 each and both came out of the deal ahead of where we started, which is amazing concidering the fact we were gambling. Finally our butts became completely numb and our eye lids heavy so we struct out for a place to crash, with no luck. Every place we check was booked or $600.00 a night, so we did the next best thing... we slept in the car... in a parking lot... of one of the biggest most popular, busiest casino's in the world. Safe you ask? Prolly not. A good story for our grandkids? Absolutely! Still to this day, nobody, including Amanda's husband, believes we actually did that, but we did, cross my heart, hope to die. Insane you say? Absolutely! That week was crazy but by far the most fun I've ever had. Would I do it all again? You Bet... I'm going to go start planning for it right now! ... oh wait, I forgot I don't plan...


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