Monday, December 05, 2005

Angles & Tricks of the Trade

I assisted my good friend Ricki with a Bridal Portrait shoot at Coolidge Park in Downtown Chattanooga recently. It was a full day's work, I had a portrait session with an adorable 2 year old girl which was immediately followed by a bride in a sleeveless dress in 49 degree cold.

It goes to show that there are no limits in which I bride will go to for her wedding day! The actual wedding isn't until January, but seeing that it'll be even colder then than now, I suppose it was wise to go ahead and get the whole thing over and done with.

When I assist Ricki with a shoot, I'm usually the "back-up" shot photographer. I get mainly a lot of the same shots she gets, just incase by freak accident something happens to her stuff. On this shot here, you can see they're both hugging the wall a bit and it was flat out impossible to get that shot from behind Ricki because her big head was in the way, so I went with this lovely image instead. You can see in the far left side of the photo another lens which belonged to the 3rd assistant Erika. Traveling in groups of 3's with usually one or more of us having 2 or more cameras around our neck does usually cause some people to stare, not to mention the fact that we're walking around with a lady in a wedding gown in December in a public park.

Go Figure...


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