Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Warmth, originally uploaded by knledford.

Some people look at fire wood and they think of comfort and warmth. I look at fire wood and I think of an inferno. Why, you ask? Well, because my grandmother has had a wood heater in her house for as long as I can remember. She decides when to start it up by the days and months, not by the temperture outside. Currently, it is 66 degrees out side and 98 degrees inside. It's enough to boil your brain, you can sit in her house for a few minutes and feel sick from the heat. The strange part is, in the summer, if it was 98 degrees outside, she'd have the a/c of 60 and her shorts on. Frankly, I think its just one more way of torturing those who come to visit and/or live with her. ;o)


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