Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Airplane, originally uploaded by knledford.

This is a photo of a piece of my Grandfather's iron work. It serves no real purpose but for as long as I've been around it's sat with my Grandmothers flowers beside an old cidar tree on top of a metal table my grandmother uses in the spring to display her potted flowers and plants. The table sat only a few feet away from the old rusted Cowboy statue, a piece I wrote about last month. When I was young and my neighbor Richard and I use to play we would pretend that it was the shifts and gears to an old airplane. As you can see, the tallest tip of the iron work serves as our gear shift, the knobs in the center was what controlled the landing hear and jet propelled weapons, and the lever on the bottom left controlled the breaks. We flown the oceans and deserts, over mountains and valleys, rains, winds and storms and survived plane crashes and explosions. Luckily everytime we would crash we'd always find our horses nearby and of course a shootout with the bandid would await right around the corner. My grandfathers imagination provided me with thousands of hours of fun when I was a kid, in a way, they still do...


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