Saturday, February 12, 2005

Rock -n- Chrome

Rock -n- Chrome, originally uploaded by knledford.

Dear Readers -n- Viewers,

Please excuse my updaters absences for Thursday & Friday. She was out of town, She went to Shelbyville, TN to photograph eBay items and teach the confused of the wacky world of scrapbooking, eBay and Kandi-ism. Please send a list of all homework assignments to me, I will then trash them and claim I don't know what she's talking about when she asks. That's what she gets for ignoring me!

"Where I Was"
I've spent the past few days educating the dazed and confused on the world of eBay. My other mother, Laurel, has a 1/2 mile by 3/4 mile warehouse full of items waiting to be listed on eBay. For some reason I agreed to photo these items. I made the journey to Shelbyville, TN on Thursday morning, I traveled though cold weather and snow, which I didnt photograph, why I don't know. I had a good time, we went shopping, it was then I decided she was evil. She took me places with cheap stuff and the potential to sell on eBay. In turn, I spent too much and now I have hours and tons of devoted eBay time ahead of me. I've read about people like her!

Breaking News...
When I began writing this blog, deep in thought, writing away, the phone began to ring. Laurel on the line, an eBay question. Secretly just missing me I'm sure! While talking to me on her cell phone, she panics because she can't find her cell phone. Yes you heard me right, the one in her hand, stuck to her ear, she couldnt find. I had a similiar situtaion this morning, I went outside early in the AM and started my car for it to warm, went back inside for a bit. Went outside to leave and was standing beside the running car and went into a search for my keys. Yes, my keys, the ones in the ignition inside the car. (Not locked inside luckily!) Goes to prove people are nuts!

Anyway, Less than a minute after hanging up with Laurel, the phone rings, Laurel on the line, another eBay question. Dazed and Confused I tell ya. I answered the best I could and we said goodbye. A few minutes pass when the phone rings again, I'll give you 2 guesses as to who it was... no not Ed McMahan fool, it was Laurel. Does eBay have an EA with the famous classic 3 step program? ( please, direct all answers to my agent )

Within 15 mins I've answered the line 3-5 times, it's the "All Laurel, All the time line" Gotta love her.

I kid, isn't eBay great, I fear if I ever lost my power I'd flip out without the good times to check eBay auctions.

I think I should go into business, open me up a global eBay teaching company. I could travel the world bringing eBay to the masses! I could invest in eBay stock and slowly but surely become insanily rich! Even have a super hero eBay master name, Yoda o' eBay, or eBay-Electria. Have a reality show following "The Donalds" , a cross of Survivor, Fear Factor and the hosting attitude of Simon from American Idol ...Good Times, Love ya Laurel!


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