Friday, February 04, 2005

Jumbled Mind

Jumbled Mind, originally uploaded by knledford.

This image reflects my mental frame of mind right now. I've had a bad cold for 4 days now and I'm not at all happy about it. My head hurts, I've got a stuffy nose, Ive got 1 ear stopped up, when I try to unstop it, the other one stops up. Somehow that's not at all fair! In my condition Ive had tons of time to surf the web. I've been looking on eBay and Ive found some odd things. For example, a potato chip with a 999,999.99 buy it now price. A Pine Casket, A Lucky Booger, yes a real one from someones nose(with a bid on it). Someones hair, some finger nail clippings, A Heart-shaped potato as a valentines day gift, with bids.

Lets think about that last one shall we... your going out with a guy, you have your hopes up that this valentines you just might get that diamond ring, the moment comes and he pulls a potato in the shape of a heart out of his pocket. On the other had, You could order the pine casket, hair and finger nail clippings... frame the owners of the hair and clippings with there DNA by leaving them in the pine casket with your Ex's cold dead body and chucks of potato.

The eBay item that really takes the cake, is a genuine real turd. My question is this, why would anyone, sane or not, want to purchase that? Don't answer that, I fear the answer would be much to awful to read. If the nut hut has openings, they should really check out the sellers on eBay, however if someone's buying this stuff, I suppose the buyer needs it more than the seller. Or, maybe they could put them in the same padded room, they could compare priceless lucky boogers and debate of the funkiest nail clippings!

What a debacule...


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