Saturday, March 19, 2005


Committed, originally uploaded by knledford.

Okay, I know I've been slack about blogging lately. Well, I'm back into the swing of things and I hereby vow to uphold my blogging duties and entertain the masses who read this. I had fallen into a photo taking slump, I'm slowly but surely rising myself from the ashes. Granted I have had good reason to be slack, I've sold over 300 items on eBay in the past 2-3 weeks. Won't do that again, wow that was hard. I sold over 200 CDs within a 10 day period and trying to figure out who bought what, where to ship it and how proved to be a challange. Currently I have 100 DVDs on eBay so I'm looking forward to this whole mess to once again rear it's ugly head by next Thursday when they all end... on the same day... at the exact same time. I may take up drinking, I'm toying with that.

On a lighter, photo related note ,however, I have been featured on twice this month. Once for my "Wouldn't you" story about my grandfather and his tractor, and also for my "Love Story" tale of how my grandparents came to be. Pretty cool actually, to be featured, makes me begin to believe I'm not as crappy at this photo writing stuff as I thought I was, or am, or whatever.

Tonight I photographed Prom portraits at my neice, Megan's Prom held at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. They turned out great and I actually made enough money to pay a car payment. Expect to see tons of Prom photos the next couple of days,mainly because I havent photographed anything else in what seems like forever.

I'm beginning to become exciting again about begining a photographer. I had loved it so before I began a career in the profession. Slowly I begin to hate the thought of taking a photo, mainly because it wasnt what I wanted to take, but what I HAD to take. Now though, I can feel the urge to start at it again with full force. Get my butt in gear and get my website fully operational once again, advertise and get back in the swing of things. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

For now I must bid you adew. I off to editing prom photos and watch a movie. By the way, if you need to buy any DVD's I'm your gal!


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