Friday, March 04, 2005

Bravery vs. IQ

DSC_4921, originally uploaded by knledford.

The Saga Continues

Our third stop of the day was a Farm / Bed & Breakfast located 5 miles from the creek in Bedford County. The road entrance took you on a long curvey gravel road rising up over a big hill and down into a private remote valley, around a bend and to a old wooden bridge. The boards of this bridge was weather beaten, rotten, with large gapping holes and cracks. The railing of the bridge were rusted and bent out as though someone rammed into them with an incredible force. A bridge that knowone in there right mind would dare to dream of driving across.

I, of course, drove across it, however, not under my own freewill. Granted it didn't look that bad at first glance, and by first glance I mean the entrance side of the road. Once inside we saw a private church built upon a hillside, mossy stumps, old wooden fences, rock walls, feedmills, a charming ole farm house and barns. A beautiful little hidden spot off the beaten path of road. We took advantage of the beauty by taking a few photographs which you can see below.

Exiting this fine place was a bit of a scary thing as we noticed the true shape of the bridge we had just drove across. Once inside one is forced to under go such torture once again as that is the only way of coming or going. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not like bridges, even those that are well made, must less one such as this. Being trapped I had no choice in the matter, while being coached by my absolutely crazy friend Rachel, who, by the way, was all for crossing this shabby old thing from the beginning. Lining my car in just the right position, closing my eyes, exiling as to make the car lighter and praying for the best, I hit the gas and took a leap of faith. For what seems like forever, finally hearing shouts of glory I open my eyes to see we had indeed made it across. Glad to be across the other side and not trapped in a creek bed we laugh at the thought and barrel down the road looking for another adventure.

to be continued...


Blogger rachelpennington said...

Wow! Your story makes me feel like I was REALLY there!

No wait, I WAS really there! ;)

You are to be commmended for your act of bravery. Not everyone would've gone over the bridge. Just stupid people, like us.


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