Tuesday, March 01, 2005


DSC_4872, originally uploaded by knledford.

The continuing saga of the Ledford-Smith Adventure

With the feeling of sickness cured by the ray of hope we found along an old road in Bedford County Tennessee we left the barn in search for our next location....

...our second stop on our day long journey was an old creek, only a stones throw away from the old barn. The creek was great, the fog covered the water as if it was floating on air. Just off the highway, the use of camping and fishing was clear from the signs of burnt ground, broken bottles and the 2 dead bodies. Yes that right, we walked right past what I still believe to be the remains of something or someone, however neither of us spotted them until we were hiking back out. We were in that creepy space filled with silence, fog, and the smell of the woods. We had just joked about how that spot would be a great place to meet the stars of Delieverance, when Rachel spotted 2 skeletel remains. Both had a pelvis so I'm not ruling anything out, however, I vow to never go on another shooting trip without a weapon and some mase. In the end it was well worth it, we came out with some beautiful photographs, and we're both still alive!! Treat your eyes to the ODed aray of photos for the day, after all they're worth dying for remember!

to be continued...


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