Friday, March 25, 2005


Grain, originally uploaded by knledford.

Such an interesting week this has been. I went on, what I thought was a photo trip in the local neighborhood, with my friend Ricki. Instead, as we were getting into the car, I was informed we were going to Nashville to a camera store, Durys. A 180 minute drive, one way, with a quick stop at Chili's for some Chicken soft tacos.

I'm not sure what heaven is like, I like to go through life with the notion that it's much like Dury's, only bigger, with every photographic tool ever invented, and best of all, it's all free! I have to say, when amoung such things as high dollar strobes, digitally wireless technology, and some of the best and fastest cameras and lenes in the world, one does become a tad getty and overcome with joy.

Once I awoke from my spell of fit and fainting, I toured every inch of the place, with a great wish to instantly become insanly rich, I examined every little tool that seemed a crime not to own. Nearly two hours after crossing the doors into such a wonderful place, I collected my photo paper and inks, and a nifty little battery holder and made my way to the checkout line. Standing along side a woman holding, maybe one of the greatest and largest camera cases ever entering the photographic world. That woman was Ricki, forced to undergo such torture as to stand along side such a thing, however she did let me sit beside it on the way home.

Ricki, you should know, is scared to death of heavy and/or any type of "downtown" traffic. She, being the one who drove, and me without my driver's license, I was forced to keep a tight grip on the seat with my butt cheeks and a death grip on the door handle. With great thought of taking a cab home, I came up with a brilliant idea of getting her off the road and me out of the car. It was, renting a room in downtown for the night and taking early morning photos of downtown, however, after an hour or so of the " why we should, why we shouldnt" conversations, we fought the inner demons and headed south.

It seems a shame to travel such distances to visit a very shop dedicated to photo taking, and return home without taking a single photo. On the up side, we are planning a real trip to which we stay a night and come home with great photos for just next week. We had considered asking another once friend of mine, the evil Rachel, but, after her photo trip to Savannah last week, to which we werent invited, we've called a board meeting to dicuss whether or not to allow the Pennington-Smith to remain in such a society.


Blogger rachelpennington said...

Hey now! That is SO not fair! I didn't really KNOW I was going to Savannah until the very last minute and it really wasn't a trip TO Savannah, it was a trip to Tybee, I mean, Georgia Southern! ;)

I think we're even now. I didn't get to go to Nashville w/you guys and "I" have never been to Drury's or whateveritscalled.


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