Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Help Todd Donation Drive

Okay, this have been a terrible few days. My wedding I shot at Grandview Saturday turned out to be worse than I could've imagined, and not to do anything with the photos either. Only an hour and 20 minutes into my day, my expensive fancy smancy digital SLR died on me, poor Todd. And for those who don't know, my camera's name is Todd, I have a printer named Copper, any guesses on what movie that's from? Anyway, the reflex mirror release snapped in two pieces. I am not at all happy about it either. I'm going to have to send it back to the Nikon company to be fixed. Of course it has no warrenty left on it so I'm going to have to pony up the dough, which I dont have at the moment. I've been spending all my extra cash on new lenses to put on the camera, I wasnt expecting to have to fix something I owned already. I would like to get the camera a step above my current camera. Of course a working camera would be better than my current camera now wouldnt it!

Anyway, I need a cool 5,000 for the new Nikon D2X and I will gladly accept donations. So far I have 20.00 in the collection plate, and hope to build on that number of course, so, forget the vacation donations, I am now begging for camera donations, and if you think about it, all I need is $1.00 from 4,980 more people and I'll be all set!! Paypal me, I take checks, money orders, cash, or if you'd just like to donation the camera that would be most fine with me!


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