Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Captured, originally uploaded by knledford.

Tuesday started out to be a productive day, it quickly turned south and ended with a big flop. I managed to get up early and sort through my many CD-R files of wedding photographs attempting to gather some worthy of added to my brand spanking new website. I found a few I thought worthy and edited them for the web. I built a coffee-table style book of a recent baby portrait session and ordered a few of those. I also ordered some greeting cards featuing some of my Wedding images to show my brides at interviews.

On an exciting news flash, I order over 700.00 worth of new camera equipment, 2 lenses & a 4GB Microdrive card. Im doubting the 4GB card however, Ive found good and bad things about it in reviews. I'm concerned because unlike a Lexar flash card the microdrive has a real little harddrive inside it with moveable parts, so it's more apt to poop out on you. I may chicken out before it gets here and return it. I'm pretty excited about the lenses though. A 28-70mm 2.8/f lens & a 70-300mm Sigma. Granted they're nothing fancy but it'll help. I'm planning on a Nikon 85mm 1.4f lens, a 900.00 investment but a must for shooting Weddings in dark Churches. Of course if anyone out there has one they'd like to give me, or if you'd like to make a donation I will gladly accept it and may even give you a free portrait of yourself taken with it.

My other 'Tuesday' task was to get some prints done at the new Chattanooga print lab of some children's portraits I did last week. I managed to get to the lab but got nothing done while there. I ended up spending the whole time talking to the owner about photo book services and figured in order to make him stop talking about him, I'd better just leave.

On the blog front, I'm posting Wednesday's post on Tuesday so technically I'm a whole day ahead of schedule. In the process of writing this I'm also searching for a place to shoot of photos this weekend, an actually for real, fun trip with the girls photo session. Any recommendations?


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