Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Long Journey Home: The Ledford-Smith Saga Pt. 8

Our travels home took us through Gatlinburg, TN. A small town at the foothills of the Smokey Mountains and as you can see surrounded by mountains, ridges and hills. It's a happening little place, packed full of tourist in search of a relaxing vacation. What with all the tourists packed into such a small space I would imagine they all go home crazier and more stressed out than they could've imagined before.

With all the photos we'd taken and the fact that we were not prepared for a trip to the Smokey's, Rachel's camera battery was running on low and not knowning what we'd be photographing between there and home we stopped by a local camera shop to see if they'd have the heart to charge it for her. Apparently tons of people run off and leave there battery charges because they were more than willing to charge it for it, for a small fee of $8.00 of course. (She found out when she got home that it wasn't charged at all and the guy totally ripped her off) The camera guy told her it would take 45 mins or so to charge so instead of standing there staring at him we decided that would be a great time to grab something to eat.

Next door at the Smokey Mountain Bar & Grill we found a spot in a corner booth, Rachel took a look at her images on her laptop and I stared out of the window into the abiss. We ordered a large cheese pizza and waited eagerly for it to arrive as we were starving to death! Shortly thereafter the waitress came with our food and we dug in. I was just finishing up my first piece and Rachel was just starting on her second, each of us looking out the window and taking in the sights. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a silver blur followed by a large crash... the stand that held our pizza toppled over and our yummy hot pizza splattered on the window and slid to the floor. Naturally the entire restaurant turned to look at us, both of us had a dumb struck look on our face and a jaw full of pizza... right before we burst out laughing that is, after that I'm not sure where the pizza went because I don't remember swallowing it. The waitress felt pity for us and offered to bring us another one so all ended well. Whenever you're in the area of Gatlinburg you should stop by the Bar & Grill and order a large cheese pizza and think of us! :o)

We headed out of there and picked up her freshly charged battery (or so we thought) and set out on down the road. As it turns out we didn't stop after we left there for anything other than some gas and a potty break, so the camera charging turned out to be a complete waste of eight bucks. We got home around 6ish and were both dog tired. I walked in to discover that my power was off cause by a downed tree so I went to the porch to swing and take in the cool weather. I'm not sure how long I sat there before I fell over asleep, all I know is I woke up a little after 8:00 from a good long nap and a numb arm from where I had laid over on it.

All in all it was a great trip, we had a great time, laughed so much we were sore and came home with some great photos and memories. Turns out being a bit spontaneous and going back was the best decision we could've made. At the end of the month when the bill collectors start calling me I'm going to refer them to the blog and let them know there money went to good use!!


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