Saturday, October 22, 2005

North, South, East or West of Nowhere? : The Ledford-Smith Saga Continues Pt. 4

Our journey carried us to unknown destinations, mentally anyway. Along the road we saw the signs of Cherokee, NC, each time the numbers of distance smaller. Without really knowing why, we for some reason, ended up in Cherokee, mainly just because we'd come this far, might as well just keep going. We gave Cherokee a round trip windshield view visit, which took all of 30 mins, before we hit the crossroad for decisions.

Do we stay or do we go? That seemed to be the golden question, one that was indeed hard to answer. After all, we had came this far, why not stay and get some enjoyment out of it. Then again, we were as poor as dirt and really shouldn't be spending the money to stay either, granted we had just spent $50 bucks in gas to get that far.

We pulled over into a parking lot of a shop who'd already rolled up there sidewalks, at 6 pm, to think about the pros and cons of the ultimate question. After all, we had left the house bound for a local Panera Bread only 30 mins away and ended up 3 states away and 4 hours later. Neither of us knew exactly why we had done such a thing, so the decision to stay or go just fell that much harder to answer. We had the opportunity because, after all, we were already there, we'd been talking about going to the Smokey's for pictures during the fall for years, and there we were, on the foothills of them and we both had our cameras loaded and ready. There in the parking lot we brought up points of why we should stay but all the reasons why we shouldn't seemed to make more sense, those being that we were poor, we had responsibilities at home and we both had bills due at the end of the month that we couldn't afford.

Did we stay or did we go you ask, well you'll have to wait until next time for the continuing adventures of dumb and dumber..... opps, I mean Ledford & Smith. Goodnight, Ya'll


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