Friday, March 10, 2006

A bit of a scare...

Things that are on my mind lately...

Yes I know, it's scary that I have anything on my mind but bare with me here. About a year ago I had a place come up on my back that hurt & itched and bleed. (I know that was gross but shut up your whining) Well clearly I'm stupid but I just never thought anything of it until my sister said recently that I should really have that checked out. Coming from the long line of medical crazies, I got on the internet at and found all kinds of things that scared the crap out of me. A case study of a man who had had something come up on his back, same as me, and just never thought much of it. A year or so after it appeared his doctor noticed it during a routine physical and sent him to have it tested. He had all the same symptoms I've had and he found out his was cancer and was too far gone for it to be "no big deal." He went through various treatments but after everything he only lived 3-4 yrs after his first visit to the specialist. Seeing as his story is oddly the same as mine and the images on the net look just like what I have, you can see why I'm scared to death.

I've gone so far as to pick out funeral music... The theme from the golden girls... "Thank you for being a friend..." I've told various people to have that played so someone had best come through or I'll come back to haunt some people. >:0) (Not that I wouldn't anyway but I'm sure the rage will make it much worse.) As for the actually shindig, I don't want an actually funeral, they're just sad and seeing as how I only know about 10 people, it would just look pitiful on my end of the stick. I'm thinking just a party and maybe St. Thomas or something, a little slideshow going of all my photos I've taken from over the years. Jimmy Buffet in the background and servers with umbrella drinks. Maybe if anyone can find one, a photo of me in a little 5x7 frame pointed out to sea...

I went to let the doctor where my sister works look at it and he says it needs to be removed. My only problem now is that I don't have health insurance and "if" it comes back as a 'not so good' result then I'll be in a world of hurt. So, I've applied for Blue Cross insurance which should take effect within the next few weeks. I'm thinking that I'll just wait until it takes effect before I go. I've waited this long, what's a few more weeks, right!

Anyway, that's my pity party for today... Good times.


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