Friday, March 03, 2006

Has anyone seen a dolphin around here?

Yeah, we didn't either! Well technically we did but we were so far away, who could say for sure. We thought the kids would enjoy a little boat ride in search of dolphins and they seemed to really like it. Summer didn't really grasp the idea that we were actually on a boat in the ocean, she kept asking where the wheels to the car were... While on our maiden voyage we actually traveled into South Carolina. There are a line of jetties that separate the Georgia and South Carolina line from one another so at one point, we were sailing the seas of two states... at once ... talk about getting around.

The one good sighting we had, where the dolphin was close to the boat and, from what we were told by the co-captain, actually did a full jump out of the water, but at the exact same moment an old man fell on the boat and everyone missed it because they turned to see what happened. The old fart was well into his 70's and anytime someone would say they saw something he would dive in front of anyone he pleased, including the little kids and at one point knocked Logan down, so technically he might've deserved it. Luckily he wasn't hurt and we all went on about our joy ride. When we came in to dock I notice that I had indeed gotten something from our sail.... a wicked sunburn on every exposed area of skin. My neck seemed to have suffered the most because it's a week later and it's still hurting like it did the day of the sea bake. Reminder to self: wear sunscreen you idiot!


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