Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lunch, Upload & Home

Today was a pretty cool day. I slept late then went to Chattanooga to upload a ton of photos to the internet. While they were uploading my friend Hollie called to say she had the day off and ask if I'd like to do lunch. Naturally I said yes so we went to Jason's Deli. I'm steadily falling in love with that place, they have a ton of different kinds of food and its all so good. Today I had a Club Royale, a ham and turkey sandwich covered in all sorts of good things and some food with fruit dip. Anytime you're in the area and want to buy me lunch there, I'm all for it... that is, so long as your not a crazy loon or something, in that case just send me the cash and I'll go myself. :o)

After lunch I popped into Best Buy for a new card reader, mine still works great but it's slower than Christmas. That I learned when Rachel told me she could transfer a 1 GB card onto her computer in like 2 minutes and mine was taking 25 mins. I thought it was time for an upgrade but while I was there I found something I want to add to my wish list. A handy dandy 6 mp point and shoot Olympus camera complete with super macro features and all weather capabilities. :o) It's a $250.00 purchase but I'd love to have a little camera I can carry with me all the time. It's just not possible to haul around a camera bigger than most peoples heads, tends to stand out. I'd love to have it, it almost temps me to put it on the Best But credit card. :o) While I was there I got a new cool little card holder that is really thin and will hold 8 cards. I love the one I have but its so thick that its a pain in the butt to carry on my camera strap during a wedding, hopefully this one will take care of that problem.

Speaking of weddings, I'm leaving for Atlanta on Thursday morning, mainly to help Ricki with her wedding this weekend, but also to attend a wedding album conference Thursday and an Epson printer seminar Thursday night. My oh my what a busy weekend that will be! Ya know, for someone who hasn't really ever been anywhere, I sure seem to travel a lot here lately. :o)

The photo here is another from the park in Savannah. That crazy hobo looking lady on the bench is my mom. I tried to pry my grandma out of the van for some pictures but that was like trying to end world hunger so I finally gave up.


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