Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sign me....

Wow have I ever been slack about updating, huh! Sorry about that! :o) The upside though is I get to update in the past, yet again. For some weird reason that makes me happy, mainly because I'm sure it annoys some people and hey, I take my kicks where I can get them! >:o}

I've just completed Rhea's signature album I was building. I'm proud of the 2 days it took me to completely finish with it. That's a new record I think and if not then it's a close one for sure.
My days have been filled with editing not only for myself but for Ricki who's so far behind and so busy with her photography that she basically begged me to help her. I do love to e begged so for some reason I agreed and have regreted that ever since. ;o) Sadly she edited a whole wedding in the time it took me to finished editing some of her couples pictures. She has commands set up in her adobe and I dont, clearly that shows!

Note to self: Set commands


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