Monday, April 10, 2006

Up and Gone - Minus our Cameras

My friend Chad invited me and whoever else I could talking into going, up to Nashville for the CMT Awards Pre-Party today. I had basically talked myself out of going when Ricki signed on yahoo.... Well, long story short, within 10 mins of making up our minds to go, she had called her daughter's school and checked her out for the day and we were all on the road to Ringgold to meet up for our trip. I admit I only half listen to what people say so I assumed that the pre-party was in the Arena in Nashville. Thinking it was in the arena I didn't take my camera because I knew they wouldn't allow a pro camera in a concert. Skipping ahead 2 hours or so when we arrive in Nashville, Chad had to make a 'quick stop' at a radio station on music row to pick up a box of goodies. Our quick stop resulted in me spending more time on music row than in the whole time I lived in Nashville! Granted we had a great time driving around in circles. Weeeee

Side note: If you've never been to music row it's actually a shocker to see. You think of all these huge record labels and the places where music is make and you think big huge buildings... a nice area, right? Well, my friends, music row is made up of a few streets of old houses that are now used as the major dwellings of the top notch labels, publishing houses and studios in 'Music City.' While driving around the area, be sure to roll down your window, if any street ever smelled like money it would have to be that one!

Back to the point, located on the edge of music row is Belmont University. Belmont is the 'who's who' of music industry students and because it's located on the edge of the row, it's full of every opportunity you can imagine, granted it's at a large price, but still. Well we drive away from music row and head to the pre-party, which is in fact on the street at the corner of Broadway and 2nd Ave in downtown. We exit the car and nearly every person in site is holding a big camera with long zoom lenses... Just like the ones we DIDN'T BRING! Yeah I really need to start paying more attention when people talk. Naturally I have no blog photos of the day and I really missed out on some great shots too. Please direct your attention to the illustrated drawing I so lovingly created just for your view pleasure, it's an amazing accurate portrait of the talent we witnessed on our trip. We saw Little Big Town perform among other people I can't remember the name of but the highlight was seeing Cooter with the General Lee. Back in the day boy I would've been all about meeting Cooter... I was a tad crazy about the Duke's of Hazzard.

We left the pre-party and walked down the street towards the arena to scope out the ticket situation only to find that the show wasn't at the arena like I had assumed, it was at Belmont University!! The very place we just came from! It's true, I'm retarded...

Oh well, we had fun anyway, (Thanks Chad, for the tickets!) but next time I'm bringing a camera!


Blogger Chrisi said...

That would have made me absolutely sick!

Love the drawring.


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