Cleaning frenzy of a Mad Crazy Woman

If you know me at all you know that I'm a pack rat, a clutter freak and maybe the most unorganized person to ever roam this earth. It's weird that I am this way because I absolutely hate clutter and I love anything that's clean beyond reason. I'm thinking it all comes down to laziness and an unknown need to fail myself. I can never find anything because nothing I own actually has a "place of it's own." Even when I lived alone my life was still one big ball of clutter and dust.
Every once in a while I get the cleaning bug and go completely insane. Yesterday I cleaned my whole room. By that I mean, I actually removed the bed & shelves and dusted, vacuumed and washed everything in site. It was actually sick all the gunk I clean out of my A/C and from the running boards along my wall. It's really no wonder I have severe allergies judging by the state of things.
Time ran out on my cleaning day before I had the chance to go through everything I own and fire up my eBay account. It's actually amazing how much junk I own that I know I will never ever use but won't throw away because "someday I'll eBay that." I have a whole corner of my bedroom dedicated to junk for eBay and a whole back room full of stuff that really needs to be sold. If I worked form dawn til dust for the next 2 weeks I would still have a load of stuff that needs to get gone.
I've written out a list with everything that needs to be eBayed on it so that I can actually see how big of a slacker I am. I'm going to start photographing and listing today and vow not to stop until it's all gone. Surely the money alone will be a big enough motivator to get me really going but if not I have all my adoring fans to rag on me when I fail...
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