Colorfide Country Time

You can't tell so much on this web image but I had a good ole time changing the coloring on this image. I took this a few weeks ago when I rode out to Lookout Mtn with my Grandma & Mom to put some flowers on some family member's graves. I thought we'd go riding afterwards so I drove down the back road of Lookout and through Rising Fawn. My grandparents lived there way back in the day when their kids were little. My grandma hadn't been there in a really long time and some of the roads we went down she'd never been through. We had a good old time, I really enjoy getting out riding the roads in the middle of nowhere. It's weird, when I was a kid I hated to do things like that but now I just strike off down roads I've never been on before just to see where they go. I've found some really cool stuff before though so it's all worth it in the end.
I can't believe that it's April Fool's day and I didn't play a single joke on anybody. How sad is that! I've never been one for really good April Fool's Day jokes anyway so I guess it's best to just give up. I remember the only one I ever played that made any sense was on my grandpa. We were in the woods cutting wood, well actually he was cutting I was watching, anyway I started screaming and told him I saw a snake by his foot. I was expecting him to yell or at least jump backwards, instead he just said to make sure it didn't crawl up his leg. I kind of lost all hope after that... what a shame.
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