Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I havent a clue

I dont know what this photo has to do with anything, nevertheless though, there it is in all it's poor ugly glory.

Tomorrow Im going shooting at the Chattanooga Nature Center, so expect to see some new material that isnt Wedding related. I guess I finally have to take the new camera out of it's box then, as I still havent gotten back my old one yet. I'll post a stat report tomorrow on how is does. I'll have to give it a true test before I name it. See what it's personality is and all first, you know. My other camera is "Todd" to match my printer who's name is "Copper", even though it's silver and black. I searched at the store today for a book of camera names but knowone seems to have any, they did seem rather interested in the matter when I would inquire on the subject at the help desk and offered to point me in the direction of where I might could find such a tool. Some mistakenly gave me directions to the mentally challenged section by mistake, apparently they were new to the store or something.

one may never know....


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