Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blue-Eyed Munchkin

Here is my nephew Logan. He's an adorable 14 month old blue-eyed heart breaker in training. By training I mean for his modeling career which will help fund his Surgical degree one of these days. The kid is a natural... he was playing outside when I spotted him with his little hat and overalls. It was so cute that I grabbed my camera and was going to take some shots of him when his camera radar went off and he spun around and ran my way. Well the kid starts smiling from ear to ear, spinning and turning as if on a cat walk. He led me around the yard to places he apparently wanted his picture taken. He ran to the wood pile and sat down, looked up at me and started smiling. It may be one of the cutest things i've ever seen! I ended up with nearly 40 really good pictures in just the 30 mins or so I followed him around. This one is by far my favorite though. Those bright blue eyes sure do shine!


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