Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Movin' On Up

Alright, so... apparently when I researched the going prices of wedding packages all the people I researched changed their prices shortly after. I thought it was a bit odd that all my web traffic would look at my prices and leave. For awhile there I thought I was too expensive, now though, it appears not. It seems the photographers in the Chattanooga area ganged together and raised there prices, forcing everyone to pay that price. I must say, it's a great idea. However, I wish someone had told me! So, today I went into my website and changed my wedding prices, packages starting at $2500... I'll keep you posted on the progress.

On a productive front, today I opened a new checking account at a bank that works with Quicken. Hopefully this will simplify my life somehow. I also got my eyebrows seperated and went to the post office. Oh and did I tell you I'm finally finished with the little girls book? What a great feeling that is, to be finished with something!


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