Friday, March 17, 2006

Swinging Aqua Blue Reflections

I recently found out that the reason everyone in my area is stupid is indeed the fault of the teaches we had in elementary school. When I was a kid I remember my teacher, who name escapes me, taught us that anytime you put the words "no" & "one" together that you should change the spelling to "knowone." Which I've been doing all my life and not until a few weeks ago did I figure out that was wrong. It makes me wonder just what other things we were taught in school are complete rubbish! (Pardon the "rubbish" talk, I've been watching a lot of movies with English actors.)

At a local cabin resort you can find this small swinging bride hanging over the bluest lake I've ever seen. Just want makes a lake blue? Is it the type of rocks in the soil? I've also always wondered about the first person to ever eat an egg. Do you think they just saw one fall out of a chicken's butt one day and thought... "Hey, lets eat that!" Do they have books on this kinda of stuff or what!?!?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great slide show and get granny a burger please.


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