Upbeat with a little bass please...

A hand held, low light, in focus shot of the speakers blasting during a reception at a recent wedding. If you look closely you can see the speaker drum pounding in it's box. During the crazy times during a reception it's also a good time to get something creative that has nothing to do with the wedding or the people in it. :o)
The more I live the more I learn that the 80's disco wasn't just a mistake, people actually like that music. Usually those who tell you they hate it are the ones who secretly hide in the closet at home and blast it on their headphones. I on the other hand am one who truly does not like it, at all and refuse to even give the chance those who proudly love it say to devote. My friend Rachel, who I already knew was out of her mind, announced during our long voyage south that she too had crossed to the dark side and then proceeded to insert such a thing into my CD player. The player hasn't really recovered yet and often times skips during a song I love as punishment...
Ok, first off, the disco era was in the 70's, not the 80's. And YOU don't know what you're missing out on. You need to get a Donna Summer CD and some ABBA, put on some roller skates--the real ones, not those inline jokes--and boogie! :P
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