Saturday, February 25, 2006

No Free Saturday for 06 of Twenty 06

I left this morning for my wedding interview and came home with a signed contract. Another June wedding, making 3 I have for that month, wow am I going to be tired. I guess thats when we find out if Rachel can handle the pressure... :o) Poor thing doesn't know what she's signed up for! hehe Speaking of Rachel, she sent me this photo day, if you don't know who that old man is then I'm not sure why I bother to know you. I guess my love of HP finally got back to the people that matter, you know when Dumbledore starts talking about you you've done well. LOL :o)

The rest of my day is filled with editing, finishing the baby portraits and getting them uploaded and then starting on the portraits I did yesterday. I'd love to be able to get a huge chunk of those done because tomorrow I have an engagement shoot so if I don't hussle I'll be overloaded with things to edit.

My family is planning a trip to Tybee Island next week. I've been asked to go so I've been working my butt off to try and get all I need to get done finished so that I could go. I'm not sure it's going to work though, I'm still playing catch up from my last trip that way. I guess we'll see if it's a yes or no by leaving time on Monday. The cool part would be taking photos of my neice and nephew on the beach, plus looking out at the beach isn't a bad thing either. :o)

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go...


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