Monday, July 31, 2006

Winning Loser!

What a stressful week this has been, and it's only Monday! I've had a tension headache now for a good week that won't go away, I'm sleeping about 4 hours a night trying to actually get something done because it's impossible to work during the day. I'm about as moody as a person gets, I've got this lovely credit agency calling me every single day wanting some money that I can't give her because I've reached the bottle of the bucket in my checking acct. It's been a hellova few weeks. I've been finishing my website, which by the way is DONE! Thank God! Because I couldn't take it anymore. I've been working with new album companies trying to get prices down for new albums, I've had all new packages to price and design. And did I forget to mention that my computer crapped out at the worse possible time and I had to spend a full day working on it! It's been one of the worse weeks ever.

On a brighter note, as I was typing this pitiful blog, the owner of 'The Rush' called me to say my name was drawn for a free membership. The Rush, by the way, is one of the best workout centers in Chattanooga and the membership fee is insanely high. Other than a CD, 1 free 20 oz coke (which I never claimed because I lost the cap) and a headphone cassette player (which I won when I was 3 at the skating ring for best halloween custume... I was a clown) this is the only thing I've really ever won. How insanely ironic is that, that while I'm 'itchin about my horrible life, I win something....

Life! Humhp...

Monday, July 24, 2006

This just in...

I now have an all new Ledford Photography studio blog. I know you're super excited about it and most likely want to go there now and have a look... so here ya go...

More posts to come to the LP blog soon...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hatred of HTML & a new love for 'babies'

I've spent the past few days working on nothing but my new site. I must say, it looks really nice but if I could figure out the stupid HTML coding i'd be finished by now! It's completely insane, purchase an expensive template from a company that designs for the top wedding photographers in the world because if you know anything about HTML, if you did you'd just build your own site from scratch, and then the template company makes you type in html code! Good grief!! I'm a tad frustrated as you may can see, & if I ever figure it out I'll let you know. I've got all the photos added, the main page finished and all I lack is the prices and info pages. I'm hoping to be finished in another day or two. After that it's back to album design and then more weddings in Aug.

Some promising news came last Thursday though, a pretty well known wedding planner contacting me because she was really impressed with my work and wants to recommend all the brides that come her way over in my direction. I'm pretty excited about it, she does nearly 80 weddings a year so she's pretty popular around these parts. I've spent a lot of time and money putting together some really impressive looking things to leave at her office for her to give to clients. I'm still working on it but it's a whole new image to my company and as soon as the site is finished I'll post more info on it for you to see. It's impressing me so surely it should turn a few other heads as well...

I ordered a new lens that should arrive on Tuesday. A lensbaby 2.0 for my Nikon, I'm pretty excited about it, I think it'll give a new spin on the same ole 'must-have' wedding pictures. If you have no clue what a lensbaby is then no worries, I'll post photos from it in a few days. A basic description of it would be a camera mounted slinky which looks nothing like a lens. I look forward to all the 'what's that' questions from my clients... should be a good time explaining it repeatedly.

til next time...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Tiny People Pictures

Shots of my neice Summer, taken last week. After all the training throughout the years, she's finally got the attitude of a model. After only 15 mins she was demanding a break, a bottled water & a better shooting location out of the sun! Drama, drama, drama...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

WOW! It's been awhile!

I've been so busy that I've had absolutely no time to sleep, much less to update the blog. By having no time means that I've been a very busy girl. Most of my May weekends were booked along with tons of shoots during the week. Everyone of my weekends in June were booked with either one of my weddings or a major event and 1/2 of my July & August weekends are full. It's been a long haul getting to this point. I've hoped and dreamed for 'busy weekends' for years now and to actually have someone pay me to do this as a career. Now though, it seems that a busy weekend is a normal thing. I really hope it continues and it gets even busier and crazier as the months pass.

I've already booked dates for next year and with the new website going up this month, am hoping for more dates for the end of this year and next year. It seems that while I wasn't looking, I actually became a professional wedding photographer. Not only that but specializing in a style that is really rare in this city, making it all the more in demand. I can't actually say that I'm making money yet. I'm making bill money and a little extra for equipment so yes, I am making money... However the ole checking acct remains on zero at all times. Even though I've been doing this for years, I'm technically a 'new business.' It's only this year I've actually given this the time and effort it takes to make something happen. The clients I've had so far have already recommended other clients which are already out there talking about me.

I've got lots planned for the future, one of which includes some hard work with my 2nd co-owned company. My friend Ricki and I have joined forces to create a Savannah/Northern Florida based company called 'Shot on the Rocks Imaging.' Basically a company with packages that already include travel and all the bells and whisles + the added fact of a paid vacation. A slick move I thought....

Although I haven't the time to update daily, I am now going to make the effort to update weekly. So, the 3 people who actually read this will now have a reason to live, or to shoot themselves, depending on how you look at it...