Saturday, September 09, 2006

Greetings, from the dark side....

Wow am I ever a slacker when it comes to blogging. Actually, I have been blogging but it's been on the LP blog, which you should check all the time because I've had tons of updates and news. It's my source of news, promos, slideshows and teaser pictures so consider it my main drag now adays.


Since I've posted last I've became an Ikea shopper, purchased a music license, shot 2 weddings, designed 3 albums, adopted a new logo (shown on the photos) signed up for Jan. 07 Bridal Fair in Chattanooga, gotten 2 visits from my out of town friend, Chad, celebrated Summer's 5th birthday, shot a few engagement shoots, and this lovely portrait shoot of Kendra, all the while helping tend to my broken Granny. (talk about a run on sentence!)

As you'll recall, my Grandma broke her knee while on one of her 3 trips to the movies in her whole 83 years of life. She's doing well, however, she's still not able to apply any pressure to the leg and given her already bad hips, makes it impossible for her to walk at all. She's sat in the same chair now for 4 weeks, with the exception of the few mins it takes to hop into her wheelchair and be carted to and from the bed. I'm sure the 'just sitting' is pure torture, and because of that she's been a bit on edge and enjoys the chance to remove the head of anyone who passes her way. Of course, if I hadn't moved in 4 weeks, I imagine I'd have killed some people by now, surely. Because of this Hell, she's been unable to go on her weekly trips to town, which mean no eating out and no buying of the secret stash of cookies and cakes; both of which are killing her. She's gotten to the point of becoming enraged with anyone who goes out and doesn't return with her a hamburger, even though she refuses to ask for one. As I've taken over the duties of shopping, the house is filled with no junk food of any kind and apparently wore her down, because yesterday on my trip to the store she actually asked for honey buns. Actually, she repeatedly mentioned it and even wrote it down & circled it on her list of things to get.

Ask anyone I've spoken to lately and they'll tell you that the one thing I can't shut up talking about is my music license. What the crap is that you ask? Well, until recently I didn't know myself, but I always knew I wanted one. Basically, it's a means of permission to use copyright music on my website and slideshow, meaning that in a few days you'll be able to hear the likes of Norah Jones & Michael Buble directly from my site!!! I'm insanely excited about it, of course it cost me out the nose but money well spent I believe. The site is only just now new and I'm already bored with it, it needs some spice and flare for sure!

Something else I'm totally stoked about is my recent trip to Ikea! I've loved Ikea for as long as I can remember and have been so looking forward to the opening of the Atlanta location for years now. (Why I didn't take my camera I'll never know!) Even though the store has been opened for months, I've just now gotten my chance to pay it a well over due visit. It's way more than I thought it would be for sure! A 15 acre vessel of home funishings and so much more. My reason for going was the search of office organizing supplies and filing solutions. I found that and tons more, I came away with the cutest stuff for Summer's bedroom, poor Logan got stiffed as usual. My friend Chad, who lives way up in po-dunk Shelbyville came down for the holiday weekend to go along with me. Even though he had no clue was Ikea was until I told him, he actually bought more stuff than I did... It goes to prove that Ikea is the bomb baby!

While he was down we went to see the Dead Man's Chest. I'll just go ahead and admit that I didn't really like the first one, even though I can't stop watching it for some reason, I think it's just because Orlando Bloom is pretty... Anywho - wow what a LONG movie, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at one point. Comparing the 2, I think I liked the first one better. The second one, even though I know this is movie land and anything is possible, was so completely unbelievable that it ruined it for me. Even though I thought the design of the characters and the overall graphics of the film were awesome. Anywho, that's my Gene shallot option.

Summer had a birthday on the 28th of August. She's a whole 5 years old, which is insanely odd to think about. It seems only yesterday she was a baby and we were all wondering what she'd sound like when she talked and who she'd grow up to become. Now, she's in her first year of school, a member of the Wizards soccer team and talks like a grown-up. I gave her the option of getting something or going somewhere for her birthday. She picked the 'going somewhere' and choose to see 'Monster House' for the second time. For some reason, she LOVES that movie! It was the first movie I'd ever seen in 3-D. (yes I know, I'm dull and out of the loop, just shup) It was pretty stinkin cool I must say, if only Warner Bros had the good sense to put Harry Potter in 3-D :o) (by the way, the 5th movie is set to release in July of 2008)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great slideshow. Please give granny a burger.


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