Monday, October 31, 2005

Professional Retards a la Blender

When a professional wedding photographer finally drags herself away from her Adobe CS2 long enough to actually take some 'fun' photos, she really cuts loose! Here, Ricki was taking pictures of us all in the car, unable to split herself in two piece she had the challenge of photographing herself, a task she choose to do with the camera upside down. Sadly, this may be the best photo of Ricki to date. Rachel, on the other hand was pouting because I was forcing her to hear a lovely story of a boil I had once. WHY she didn't enjoy it is beyond me!!!
And here I am, modeling my ear warmers decked out with hot hands on the ears while telling my boil story! It really was fascinating, would you like to hear it? Still to this day it amazes me that I havent been killed in a car crash, I often laugh my head off and/or spray the windows while attemting to drive... just ask Rachel!

No long post today, maybe because I'm too lazy to type it, expect better of me tomorrow when I add the Halloween post to end all Halloween posts.


Blogger rachelpennington said...

These are SUCH fun photos. Ricki is a REALLY good photographer. ;)

Mind you, I'm also pouting because my hands were so frozen I could barely pass my shutter on my camera. Meanwhile, your ears were warmer than a broiler on an oven, I'm sure. Jerk.


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