Friday, October 28, 2005

Swollen Trigger Finger & Heavy Eyes

Now that the Smokey Mountain Saga is finally over I plan on telling you all about the exciting adventures of the current week. It's been rather interesting indeed, I've went shooting more in this very week that ever before... in a row that is. I've had 2 trips to Rising Fawn, a trip to the Villanow Pocket and a trip to Alabama.

I'm rather tired at the moment because this morning I woke up super early, melted the ice off my car and went shooting with my good friend, Farter... opps, I mean Rachel. I'm much too tired to go into details just now but I promise that tomorrow's post will not disappoint! And by the way, I was sent a link to a certain local weather man's blog yesterday and was shocked to see that it had much of the likeness of mine! I feel rather bitter and raped... he stold the "Random thoughts" and the layout!

You just wait Mr. Benson, your day too shall come!


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