Saturday, October 29, 2005

Long Awaited Slacker

As I said... yesterday, yes, we'll call it yesterday, I've had many adventures lately. Ricki, Rachel & I went to Rising Fawn last week to take in some fall colors, shoot a lot of pictures and just have an all around fun day. It's been what seems like forever since we've all three went anywhere together that we all had to reintroduce ourselves. Our day didn't begin as grand as we'd have liked, mainly due in part to the fact that it was 42 degrees outside. Ricki, or 'The Baby' as we call her now, apparently wasn't much for this cold weather because she whined the whole time, not that she doesn't whine all the time anyway, but instead of her usual "I'm Hungry" there was an added "I'm Cold" or when we were in the car with the heater on, we heard the "I'm Hot." Really, she just celebrated her 18th wedding anniversary and I do send pity to her poor husband David... just know, there are those of us out here who feel for ya man. There wasn't as much color as we'd have preferred either, the patches we did manage to find were usually very colorful in spots, usually 4 or 5 trees right together that were full of reds, oranges & yellows all surrounded by green ugliness. We began our shoot atop of Lookout Mtn, or should I say, descending Lookout Mtn. We drove down the old dirt road which locals call 'The Crook' , I'm not really sure if that's because there has been a lot of robberies or if they just couldn't think of a better name. The last intersection (which is also a dirt road) before you start driving down the mountain is named "Plum Nelly." Ricki being as crazy as she is ,saw the road sign from the corner of her eye and thought it said "Petroleum Jelly." We all got a good hearty laugh from that of course, she being the person she is, is just woman enough to realize her retardations and get great laughs at herself. All along the old dirt path were hand written signs nailed to trees warning that the area was open for deer hunters. Assuming this was the end of us and that we would soon be shot, killed and tagged by a hunter, we drove with determination to get to the bottom of the mountain, foregoing certain scenes that would've made great photographs... oh well. More of the adventures tomorrow...


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