Friday, January 27, 2006

Babies, Weddings, Kiddies & Repeat...

Today was spent with my friend Rachel. Roaming around looking for good locations to shoot weddings, engagement photos and portraits for this year. Rachel did the driving so to be honest, I have no clue where we ended up really. We did visit Hidden Hollow, which I had never been to before. We walked around and took pictures, I even overcome my fear of swinging bridges. I have so much to edit at this point I'll be honest and tell you that I haven't even taken the photos off the card yet so I have no clue what I came home with. I will say that I shot them all in RAW and just the thought makes so happy I can't stand it.

Tomorrow evening I'm shooting some engagement portraits in the Downtown area. I've been looking forward to this because the couple really seems into trying just about anything. I really do love creative freedom. Rachel will be joining me on her first engagement shoot, and without the help of Ricki. So, she's the one and only back-up photographer. Engagement shoots are a great time to learn and play with the possibilities of what you can do with a camera. It's a laid back environment so not nearly the pressure one feels when shooting a wedding. I'll let you know if she lives or dies tomorrow night and I'm sure I'll have a few dozen photos for you to see too! :o)


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