Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pint-Sized Comedian

Kids are funny aren't they. Bill was right, they do the darndest things... Logan was posing for the camera here, he was showing me his tongue. I was so happy to see that I got this picture, seeing that it was a quick 2 second thing. Very cute all the same though, if I do say so myself.

So, tonight I took some Bat Mitzvah Portrait photos for the first time ever. Just judging by my quick look through I'd say I scrapped by on the hair of my chinny chin chin. Thank goodness I had Ricki & Rachel with me though. That was the first time I've ever felt way out of my element. I'm not Jewish and I know nothing of the faith so the whole thing was a whole new world for me. I actually felt a bit stupid. I had to keep asking what we should do next because I didn't know what the process of the actual event would be or who meant what or what meant what or the names of anything. It was a very odd experience. I'm glad my 1st experience in that area is out of the way though. I have more of these booked in May so I plan to be well read on ways, customs and traditions by then so that hopefully I'll at least half way in some way know what it is I'm doing. I'll post more later and of course photos...


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