Sunday, February 19, 2006

Missing The Deep Blue...

I've lived in the mountains since my first day here on earth, in this life anyway, but I sure am missing the ocean. I could stand and watch the waves crash on shore all day long and never get tired of it. Since our first day on Tybee I've entertained serious thoughts of doing something completely insane and moving there. Wedding pictures on the beach, little girls photos in there white cotton dresses blowing in the wind... Sounds like the perfect career move, doesn't it!

Speaking of a career, my website is pretty crappy these days. This week I'm going to do a major overhaul and change a good lot of it, if not all of it. It's gotten really boring to me. When I first had it built I really liked it, it was professional, yet creative. Now I just feel like it doesn't show any of my personality what so ever, plus my style of photography has changed a bit too. I've got to get busy on some marketing too. I've been pretty slack here lately, which, of course is a deadly thing. I've had a few calls lately that make me think this all might be worth it though. I've got a company interested in some of my stock images and hiring me to do exclusive work for them, plus advertising my services directly through theres for weddings and bat mitzvah events. My child portraits and books seem to be catching on and if I'd get busy on advertising I think I could make a simi-descent career just from those. I've got a lot of ideas and plans in the works so beginning this week I'm going to be working to make something happen from them all.

On a note that has nothing to do with anything: I've just discovered a singer by the name of James Blunt. Basically the only song you might've heard from him is "Your Beautiful." He has a haunting, unique voice - some very different stuff. His current album is great. I'm in love with every song on it! I highly recommend and if you use iTunes you can get some exclusive songs and a video that you won't get with the actual album.


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