Saturday, February 11, 2006

Birds are crazy!

I tell ya... these birds are a little crazy! I can proudly say that with all these hundreds of birds flying every which way at any given minute, I didn't once get pooped on during our stay. :o)

Although I didn't get a picture, their poop was actually a bright blue-ish color. Perhaps it's from the jelly fish they were eating! Actually, I didn't see them eating the jelly's but Rachel swears she did... of course Rachel's insane (you saw her pink hat) so I'm not sure if that's actually true or not.

Speaking of crazy, I was on my knees with my tripod on the freezing ground taking this photo. By the end of our shoot I was wet from the knees down...

When packing to go to the beach, one doesn't usually take along a huge selection of freezing winter clothes. On our first morning the actual temp was 30 degrees or so but with the wind coming of the water it felt like it was 10 degrees... if that. On day two we set out looking for a Wal-Mart to shock up on warmer clothing and hand warmers! Apparently we werent the only people with that in mind, we bought the only 2 remaining packs of hand warmers the wal-mart had in stock. They were completely out of gloves and scarfs but we found these lovely head-gear thingys. They pervented you from breathing when you had them on but they did keep you warm. We kinda look like crazy people... or bank robbers... :o)


Blogger rachelpennington said...

My eyes are gross. I look I might have some sort of horrible disease. *gag* But boy, my clothes are stylin' aren't they?


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