Saturday, April 29, 2006

A 1940's Carnival Ride

I LOVE this picture. This is Lake Winnie of course, I love it, makes me think of a 1940's picture of an old carnival. I'm also loving this tinting, which I've been using like crazy here lately. What's more is I have it set up on a F key command so it's basically no work to do! You can't bet that!

I spent the whole day editing pictures which is what my next 2 days will consist of as well. This coming week is going to be insane. In a 4 day span I have 9 shoots to do! Just the mere thought stresses me out to tell you the truth about it! My 1st Bat Mitzvah is coming up this week, I'm excited and scared all at the same time. I hope and pray it comes off the best I can get it done. If so I can see a lot more jobs coming in from this one. I'm also dangerously close to FINALLY finishing the baby book I've been working on now for a few weeks. For the first time ever, I've developed a complete block. Usually I can think about the images, get an idea for a theme and soon a whole book is done in the matter of a day or two. This one has been tough however, it's of Brooklynn's baby photos along with the maternity stuff I shot before her arrival. I've put so much pressure on myself to make this book the best thing ever that I've totally lost my focus and creativity. I'm nearing the end finally so keep your fingers crossed that it all flows together when it's finished. I feel really bad that it's taken me this long, and it's not from being slack either, I spent a good 3 or 4 days just staring at her pictures without getting anything done, just hoping a idea would come to me.

A real bummer for this weekend - I was planning on going up to Nashville for a few days. I had a few shoots to do up there, one of which was at Creekwood Gardens and I was so excited about getting some really great stuff in the Tulip field they have. The weather wasn't looking so great and it had called for rain on Saturday and Sunday all week, including yesterday. So I cancel the shoots and the trip only to wake up this morning to sunny skies in Nashville until late Sunday night! My Tulips will be long gone before I have another chance to head up there. I've got 1 weekend free at the end of May and not another one until July! A major disappointment, those photos would've looked so great on my new website!


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