Sunday, September 11, 2005


Main Street, originally uploaded by knledford.

Looking back 9.11.01: I was living in Murfreesboro, TN at the time, attending college at MTSU. My usual routine of the morning was to be ready for my day by 9 am so that I could spend that hour watching the Golden Girls on Lifetime while reading over some notes for class, then heading off to Math, my worst subject. As alway, I sat down on my couch, half glancing at my English Lit notes, as they were just as boring as always, and laughing at another Rose/Sophia debacule. Shortly after 9 my phone rang, my sister was calling from Ga to tell me I should change the channel, something important was happening in NYC. Before I could do that however, loud horns rang from outside and the channel switched to the news. In that split second, our whole world changed, the United States became a reachable target, lives were altered and ended, and apart of every single american died, if only just alittle inside.


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