Friday, December 23, 2005

Death... take me now!!

Alright so... a funny story...

I had just dropped off a photo album to a client of mine and was on my way to Chattanooga to have some images printed and stop by Hobby Lobby for a thing or two when my friend Hollie called to invite me to an early dinner. Well, neither of us has much of a gift for decision making so we decided to go to the ole trusty Panera Bread. For what may be the first time ever in the history of doing anything with Hollie, I actually arrived before she did so I thought I'd kill 5 mins by going to the restroom. The front door of Panera & the restroom are a good 100 ft or more from eachother and in order to get there you have to walk right through the area where everyone sits to eat. Well, you know how when people are sitting and eating they always look at someone when they walk by... well I got that but thought nothing of it.

Well I got to the restroom, did what I had to do and went to wash my hands when something on my pants reflecting in the mirror caught my eye. So, I look down and see that there is a good 8 inch rip from the zipper area of my pants to nearly my knee... exposing all in it's wake. Alright, so if you know me you know I don't really tan and given that it's winter time I hadn't exactly shaved my legs in a good 2 days. I don't believe I've ever been any more embarrassed than at that moment. I had wondered WHY people were gagging and puking after I'd walked by, I thought it was just the food or something!! :o)

In an enormous attempt to hide my problem from the world I escaped through a back door of the restaurant all while trying to walk bent over all the way back to my car. Alright so, given the fact that my rip was on my right leg, added to the fact that I drive an SUV, you would think that it would've dawned on me that lifting one's leg may cause a larger rip... of course it didn't... until after I'd done it.

Okay, so let's recap, here I am with a HUGE rip in my pants with no way to hide it, my friend Hollie only minutes away from arriving for dinner and me with no extra clothes in the car. Thank God it dawned on my that I had some tape in the car, it really did save my life! I managed to poorly tape the rip together and heading into Target to find a pair of pants. Let me just tell ya... when cheap Dollar Store tape is the only thing from exposing you from the world, you tend to walk rather funny!! I grabbed a cheap pair of sweat pants and headed for the restroom for a quick change of attire.

Well, naturally I called everyone I could and informed them of this lovely event... none thought it was as bad as I did... funny never the less. With the craziness of it all I completely forgot to go to the print lab or Hobby Lobby and it didn't even dawn on me that I didn't do it until I'd gotten all the way home. So, the pants purchased are now my new "never leave the car pants" so that if this ever happens again, I'm totally prepared!!!


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