Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Tis the season.... have your family portraits taken! My long time client & friend, Angie, decided that 11 years was long enough to go without having a family portrait taken. I couldn't agree more so we gathered her ever growing family all in the same place at the same time for a super quick photo shoot. What might be a record, in just 30 minutes I did there photos and ended up with 36 good images. I swear I think that might be the least time and photos I've ever had of anyone, it was a bit odd, until that is, I went to edit them and was completely finished in less than an hour. You have no idea how happy that made me! Usually I have anywhere from 300-3000 photos from a portrait shoot so this was a pleasant change... I should do more like that!

I'm also happy to to report that I'm still alive. I've had what might be the worst stomach virus known to mankind. It included all the usual 'comings & goings' of an ordinary virus but also carried with it a high fever, which I don't remember having before with a stomach bug. It all started with my niece Summer who then spread it to her dad Joe before it was then pasted on to me. The first day of my spout with death began at a lovely 5:03 am and as of day 4, hasn't went away yet. The night of the 1st day I racked up a 17 hour straight deep sleep and was told that I had a huge fever and wouldn't wake up for anything. The second day didn't bring as much sleep but I can't say I got out of bed but for a few times. That night I did get brave enough to try to eat some soup that seemed to agree with me. My sister & mom also decided they'd join in the fun of the traveling virus and began their fight for the death with such a beast. For the 3rd & 4th day I've been sick to my stomach, tired & sore all over. I recommend that everyone stay as far away from me as possible and if you see someone looking a bit off color, you should spray them with germ-x and run the other direction while holding your breathe until in the safe zone.

To those out there home from work or school battling the toilet wars, I wish you a speedy recovery!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

EDIT THE POWERLINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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