Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sweet Delight

Have I mentioned that I love to update in the past? Because I do! Of course when you're reading this in the present this makes no sense, so nevermind.

I wouldn't say that I've been busy here lately, steady might be a good word but I still wouldn't throw it around none.

I met with a bride at the Panera Bread in Kennesaw here recently. I guess you could say the interview went alright. I wasn't on my A game by no means. The Panera was in the mall and with it so close to Christmas, naturally the place was packed. The fact that I got lost on the way there didn't help matters any. I was out of my element, I didn't really think it would matter but apparently it did. It was a scatter-brained display of gibberish basically. Luckily the bride, who had been in tow with 2 of her friends to all her wedding like interviews, was also in the same boat as I because neither of them could make it. Yep, we both just sat there, a few dozen "uh's" per minute. I had my first ever experience with the wedding albums. She didn't really like them. I love them, so it's hard for me to imagine the type of person who wouldn't love them, it was a bit odd. She was a young girl, younger than me, having a creative, non-traditional wedding, yet she was only interested with old fashion traditional wedding albums. You know, the kind your grandparents and parents own.

A voice message later I did get a response from her. She chose a different photographer who offered the old fashion albums. She included a name so I wondered over to their website. They only offered 10 or 15 wedding images in their gallery, all of which were posed as if taken by a family member and all were "flash photos" meaning they had blown out skin, red eyes and were surrounded by shadows. The sad part was that their prices were still more than mine.

Is it wrong that I actual feel bad for charging a lot of money for my services. I guess I'm still coming to terms with the fact that it IS a service, that being a photographer is apparently a gift, meaning one is suppose to have rare talents and qualities. I think of other people that way, I think of myself that way and laugh though. I guess life really does come down to self-esteem?


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