Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Frodo No Mo' .... D.A. Anyday!

The flow of the creek at the Pocket had just the right amount of light falling on it to capture this gem. I may have had 10 or 20 bad shots in order to get this one but we won't mention that now will we!

For the first time ever I watched a Lord of the Rings movie. I've always said it looked retarded but you all know how I praise Harry Potter. If I've heard "If you love Harry Potter, you'll love Lord of the Rings" once I've heard it a thousand times. Well, I love Harry Potter, maybe too much as I'm told daily, but I thought Lord of the Rings was retarded! Just as I suspected! I realize the cookie crumbles in chunks as well as dust so if you like Lord of the Rings I'm totally not knocking your movie. I, on the other hand, will just stick to Harry Potter and be happy that I haven't had to sit through all 3 of the Rings movies.

Speaking of Harry Potter, for those of you who live in a hole, the new movie "Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire" will be release in less that a week. November 18th we will be blessed with what I hope to be the best movie yet. As I make painfully clear, book 4 is my favorite and if they screw this movie up I will be so disappointed, I'll be even more disappointment in that than when I got a $4,500 cashier's check in the mail today only to find out on the FDIC website that it was a fake. I kid you not, it's true. (A nod to the guy Kim works with who went and busted my bubble... it was such a pretty bubble!) It was from a bank in South Carolina and was mailed to me with no return address from Europe. It contained no note or information so for a minute I thought someone loved my blog so much they decided to do the right thing and send me a check.... bummer


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