Trains, Frames and the Slow Shutter

Just as we were walking back towards to road to get in the car we heard a whistle in the distance. Sounds of a train approaching & at full steam from the sounds. We hurried back to the car for our tripods and made a run for the tracks in hopes of getting some good shots. (Good thing we didn't attempt to walk across the bridge, with my luck my leg would've gotten stuck between a tie and the train would've flattened me!) I managed to get a few decent shots, nothing I'd write home about or anything.

We shot the train as it flew past. Whoever says trains are slow must be crazy because this train was hauling butt, clocking what must have been at least 60 mph. We felt the urge to call it a day afterwards.
We were basically frozen and starving to death so we thought it was a great time to look for something to eat. Rachel suggested a little restaurant atop lookout mountain, which by the way use to belong to my dad and was named "Kandi's". Our last experience with eating there was after a trip to Lula Lake. The place was basically empty & we had each order a hamburger. An hour and a half later our food arrived and by that time we had ate the table. Not really wanted to relive that experience, Ricki & I tried with all our might to come up with somewhere else but we didn't have much luck at all so we struck out to the temple of doom. Just as we arrived Rachel just happened to remember that the only day that the restaurant closes was Monday... Wouldn't you know it was Monday.
A good 30 - 45 mins from anything else we tempted fate and dined in a place called "Pat's Diner". Located in a trailer which was attached to a store that also served as a family's home. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover, the food was great and we didn't die so all in all it turned out well. It was a good day, just the girls out shooting which we hadn't done in months. Hopefully one of us will hit the lotto and our next photo outing will be in some great place like New York, Aspen, Paris or Rome... Until then.
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