Sunday, November 06, 2005

The unknown view... in my own backyard!

My next adventure was to the Pocket only 5 miles or so from my house. I'd been there many times, only to this one little spot beside a creek bed where we'd go when I was a kid to play in the water. Rachel and I drove over in search of some great photos and along the way we spotted a sign for an overlook. Sadly I've never been there and I've lived within 5 miles or so from it my whole life. We struck out up an old dirt road towards the overlook. When we arrived at the top of what looked like a small ridge, this view if what we found. Frankly, I was amazed & shocked that such a view was to be had so close to my own house! I was also fascinated by just where the heck we were because I live in the valley you see here and I can't see a spot that I think is high enough that I think would be this place. Mostly I just felt stupid that I'd never been there before & with good right I should say!

I should say that I don't think I will be returning to this place anytime soon. On the way back down the ridge we ran across some shady looking people whom I'm fairly sure was making a drug drop off or pick up or plant picking or something. As you can see, it's not the most populated area so a visitor could be murdered and it would be months before anyone found you, if ever. If I'm going to be killed while trying to take in some sights and views I'd rather it be something good like the Rockies or the Alps.... know what I mean Vern?!


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