Thursday, March 31, 2005

Peach Tree Bloom

Peach Tree Bloom, originally uploaded by knledford.

Spring has sprung and the tree are a bloomin'. Wow, allergy season has officially arrived. I walked outside this morning and caught a wiff of something in the air and started snizzing. I love the looks of Spring time, I just can't leave the house to enjoy it for fear of dying. - Good Times

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Childhood, originally uploaded by knledford.

Bubbles blown, floating through the air; inside it's creater an energetic spirit full of wonder, unanswered amazment, and genuine happiness.

Perhaps the world would be a tad more cheerful if we all practiced the art of bubble blowing!

Backlit Wildflower

Backlit Wildflower, originally uploaded by knledford.

I have been consumed with printing Prom portrait packages. I wish photography only included photography. I dont much like the "Art Department/Print Lab" role... I'm too lazy for all that. However, I am proud to have gotten out of bed early, drove to Chattanooga and back again before my usual wake-up time. Who knows, I may get something productive done today!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Lula Lake Waterfall

Lula Lake Waterfall, originally uploaded by knledford.

Lula Lake Land Trust, located on top of Lookout Mountain. Recently reopened to the public, Lula Lake holds many wonders, including this waterfall just off the walking path. The walking path, as a matter of factly, is an old railroad bed that ran through Tennessee and Georgia.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Photographers Day Out

Photographers Day Out, originally uploaded by knledford.

A day with the girls, hiking and taking photos. Everything from wildflowers, waterfalls and ourselves. In this photo I was attempting to set the camera's timer, and running back in time to get in the photo. I nearly killed myself, but it made for good times.

Expect more photos from this past Saturday's photo adventure soon...

Friday, March 25, 2005


Grain, originally uploaded by knledford.

Such an interesting week this has been. I went on, what I thought was a photo trip in the local neighborhood, with my friend Ricki. Instead, as we were getting into the car, I was informed we were going to Nashville to a camera store, Durys. A 180 minute drive, one way, with a quick stop at Chili's for some Chicken soft tacos.

I'm not sure what heaven is like, I like to go through life with the notion that it's much like Dury's, only bigger, with every photographic tool ever invented, and best of all, it's all free! I have to say, when amoung such things as high dollar strobes, digitally wireless technology, and some of the best and fastest cameras and lenes in the world, one does become a tad getty and overcome with joy.

Once I awoke from my spell of fit and fainting, I toured every inch of the place, with a great wish to instantly become insanly rich, I examined every little tool that seemed a crime not to own. Nearly two hours after crossing the doors into such a wonderful place, I collected my photo paper and inks, and a nifty little battery holder and made my way to the checkout line. Standing along side a woman holding, maybe one of the greatest and largest camera cases ever entering the photographic world. That woman was Ricki, forced to undergo such torture as to stand along side such a thing, however she did let me sit beside it on the way home.

Ricki, you should know, is scared to death of heavy and/or any type of "downtown" traffic. She, being the one who drove, and me without my driver's license, I was forced to keep a tight grip on the seat with my butt cheeks and a death grip on the door handle. With great thought of taking a cab home, I came up with a brilliant idea of getting her off the road and me out of the car. It was, renting a room in downtown for the night and taking early morning photos of downtown, however, after an hour or so of the " why we should, why we shouldnt" conversations, we fought the inner demons and headed south.

It seems a shame to travel such distances to visit a very shop dedicated to photo taking, and return home without taking a single photo. On the up side, we are planning a real trip to which we stay a night and come home with great photos for just next week. We had considered asking another once friend of mine, the evil Rachel, but, after her photo trip to Savannah last week, to which we werent invited, we've called a board meeting to dicuss whether or not to allow the Pennington-Smith to remain in such a society.

Water Petel

Water Petel, originally uploaded by knledford.

This is the spring time blooms of a Plum Tree, taken shortly after a heavy rain.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


prom, originally uploaded by knledford.

I took this while shooting prom photos for a local high school. It was taken at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. I must say that place gave me a "Harry Potter Hogwarts Express" moment. A very neat place, I would highly suggest visiting whenever in the area. I love the light behind the couple shining on the train.

Monday, March 21, 2005


Heard, originally uploaded by knledford.

This is a photo of my 3 year old neice, Summer. I took this photo of her while she was having a breakdown about wanting to go to the park. How I captured this tamed, sweet look on her face, I have no clue. I love the light pouring in through the kitchen doorway.

Someone must have told someone who told someone else that I was now accepting photography jobs. Today I got a job to shoot a wedding. Its not a big job but it's enough to ease me back into the field. Wish me luck, it's less that 2 weeks away.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Committed, originally uploaded by knledford.

Okay, I know I've been slack about blogging lately. Well, I'm back into the swing of things and I hereby vow to uphold my blogging duties and entertain the masses who read this. I had fallen into a photo taking slump, I'm slowly but surely rising myself from the ashes. Granted I have had good reason to be slack, I've sold over 300 items on eBay in the past 2-3 weeks. Won't do that again, wow that was hard. I sold over 200 CDs within a 10 day period and trying to figure out who bought what, where to ship it and how proved to be a challange. Currently I have 100 DVDs on eBay so I'm looking forward to this whole mess to once again rear it's ugly head by next Thursday when they all end... on the same day... at the exact same time. I may take up drinking, I'm toying with that.

On a lighter, photo related note ,however, I have been featured on twice this month. Once for my "Wouldn't you" story about my grandfather and his tractor, and also for my "Love Story" tale of how my grandparents came to be. Pretty cool actually, to be featured, makes me begin to believe I'm not as crappy at this photo writing stuff as I thought I was, or am, or whatever.

Tonight I photographed Prom portraits at my neice, Megan's Prom held at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. They turned out great and I actually made enough money to pay a car payment. Expect to see tons of Prom photos the next couple of days,mainly because I havent photographed anything else in what seems like forever.

I'm beginning to become exciting again about begining a photographer. I had loved it so before I began a career in the profession. Slowly I begin to hate the thought of taking a photo, mainly because it wasnt what I wanted to take, but what I HAD to take. Now though, I can feel the urge to start at it again with full force. Get my butt in gear and get my website fully operational once again, advertise and get back in the swing of things. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

For now I must bid you adew. I off to editing prom photos and watch a movie. By the way, if you need to buy any DVD's I'm your gal!

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Blur, originally uploaded by knledford.

Do you ever feel like your mins, hours, days and weeks are all a blur? I sure do, I've spent the past week packing and shipping eBay stuff and sleeping. I did manage to get out of the house for a short bit today, I went with my friend Ricki to an antique store. I found a great source for eBay, so it was a win/win situation. For anyone who doesnt know, I've basically got my own little eBay business going. Anytime I leave the house I'm now in search of great items to list. I'm doing pretty good at it so far, wouldn't it be great if I could make this a career. An eBaying/Photographer... sounds good to me.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go bubble wrap some things.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Wilder Wider Whiter View

tower, originally uploaded by knledford.

An interesting way of looking at Wilder Tower, located in Chickamauga Battlefield.


fog1, originally uploaded by knledford.

I have been taking photos for 7 years now, I've been a professional photographer for 5 years now and out of all my photographs I think this may be my all time favorite.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Bravery vs. IQ

DSC_4921, originally uploaded by knledford.

The Saga Continues

Our third stop of the day was a Farm / Bed & Breakfast located 5 miles from the creek in Bedford County. The road entrance took you on a long curvey gravel road rising up over a big hill and down into a private remote valley, around a bend and to a old wooden bridge. The boards of this bridge was weather beaten, rotten, with large gapping holes and cracks. The railing of the bridge were rusted and bent out as though someone rammed into them with an incredible force. A bridge that knowone in there right mind would dare to dream of driving across.

I, of course, drove across it, however, not under my own freewill. Granted it didn't look that bad at first glance, and by first glance I mean the entrance side of the road. Once inside we saw a private church built upon a hillside, mossy stumps, old wooden fences, rock walls, feedmills, a charming ole farm house and barns. A beautiful little hidden spot off the beaten path of road. We took advantage of the beauty by taking a few photographs which you can see below.

Exiting this fine place was a bit of a scary thing as we noticed the true shape of the bridge we had just drove across. Once inside one is forced to under go such torture once again as that is the only way of coming or going. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not like bridges, even those that are well made, must less one such as this. Being trapped I had no choice in the matter, while being coached by my absolutely crazy friend Rachel, who, by the way, was all for crossing this shabby old thing from the beginning. Lining my car in just the right position, closing my eyes, exiling as to make the car lighter and praying for the best, I hit the gas and took a leap of faith. For what seems like forever, finally hearing shouts of glory I open my eyes to see we had indeed made it across. Glad to be across the other side and not trapped in a creek bed we laugh at the thought and barrel down the road looking for another adventure.

to be continued...

Rock Wall Flowing Roadside

DSC_4909, originally uploaded by knledford.

This charming rock wall built from the bridge along the road side to the Church and Bed & Breakfast made for a very inviting pathway.

Bridge Top View

DSC_4907, originally uploaded by knledford.

The old scary bridge lends itself to the beauty surroundings with the creek bed below.

Hillside High Life

DSC_4905, originally uploaded by knledford.

A private Church on a hillside inside the grounds of the Farm and Bed & Breakfast.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Old House, originally uploaded by knledford.

It's amazing what people live in and choose to ignore. Someone actually lives in this house, it looks like it might fall in at anytime, actually I think it might if not for the attached satellite dish balancing out the lean and holding it all together.

Brave dwellers who make home here...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Sleepy Day Fog Aray

DSC_4892, originally uploaded by knledford.

Yet another foggy photo, this photo was taken maybe 20 feet away from the two nameless claimless use-to-be's that now live along the little path by this creek. Doesn't make since? Well read below and solve the riddle...

Long Necked and Foggin'

DSC_4897, originally uploaded by knledford.

I crawled under a bush and laid on the wet ground in the 30 degree weather to get this shot, the very least you could do is comment on how lovely it is and how you want to purchase a large blow up!

no personal checks please...


DSC_4872, originally uploaded by knledford.

The continuing saga of the Ledford-Smith Adventure

With the feeling of sickness cured by the ray of hope we found along an old road in Bedford County Tennessee we left the barn in search for our next location....

...our second stop on our day long journey was an old creek, only a stones throw away from the old barn. The creek was great, the fog covered the water as if it was floating on air. Just off the highway, the use of camping and fishing was clear from the signs of burnt ground, broken bottles and the 2 dead bodies. Yes that right, we walked right past what I still believe to be the remains of something or someone, however neither of us spotted them until we were hiking back out. We were in that creepy space filled with silence, fog, and the smell of the woods. We had just joked about how that spot would be a great place to meet the stars of Delieverance, when Rachel spotted 2 skeletel remains. Both had a pelvis so I'm not ruling anything out, however, I vow to never go on another shooting trip without a weapon and some mase. In the end it was well worth it, we came out with some beautiful photographs, and we're both still alive!! Treat your eyes to the ODed aray of photos for the day, after all they're worth dying for remember!

to be continued...