Thursday, September 22, 2005

Feet Streaks and Slow Turtles

DSC_0026, originally uploaded by knledford.

Today I got nothing done. I didn't even begin to try to make an effort on the prints for the Chattanooga Nature Center,I didn't call any insurance companies, I didn't go to the doctor but I'm wishing I had.

Maybe the only thing I hate worse that an ear infection is maybe the flu. I had pink eye once, I hated that about as much as you can hate, but I think an ear infection is even worse.

I did workout today, only once, but it was a 90 min workout. I really didn't want to but I made myself, and about 20 mins into it I was glad that I had. I really enjoy it once I get started. Last week I was really excited about the thought of starting my daily workout but as you know I've been pretty bummed.

Tomorrow I am determined to do better with all the things I need to do. I have got to go to the doctor, I have got to find camera insurance, I have got to get the portraits from the little boys session finished and get started on making him a book. I need to take pictures of stuff for eBay and get it listed, I've got mountains of junk that I'm sure someone out there would love to have. Seeing that I have bills to pay and new camera equipment to buy I should most likely get busy on that, huh.

Well, we'll see what tomorrow brings, I posted my good intentions here so maybe the stress of having to post a disappointment will hold me to my promises...


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