Sunday, September 18, 2005

Karma or Torture?

This is an image from the wedding I shot in Rome, Ga yesterday. The groom and groomsmen all wore kilts - a true Irish wedding, even though the groom was from sweden. What some people will do for love!

Even though it was an Irish wedding, the luck of the Irish was not with me yesterday. Someone stold my camera bag with my 3 lens ( one of which I just bought and had only used 3 times ) my flash ( the only one I owned ) some memory cards, expensive filters, some cash, 6 extra camera batteries ( all costing 50 bucks each ) plus some odds and ends. The total amount was somewhere between 800 - 1000 bucks. Of course I had no camera insurance, which was completely my fault because I just kept meaning to call and get it added to my policy but never did. Something that would've taken me 15 mins of my time and 10 bucks a month!!!! I'm not at all happy, as you can imagine.

I called the police dept. this morning to file a report and of course they dont work on the weekends. Doesn't that make you feel safer? Let's all go to Floyd County, Ga and rob a bank, shall we? So, at 8am Monday morning I'm going to be sitting at the police dept., granted I know they cant do much, but hopefully they can fax the pawn shops and they'll be a chance I can get it back. I'm not holding my breath or anything, I've come to terms with the reality of this matter, I just can't believe this actually happened. I can't believe I'm a theif victim!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazingly shocking just how amazingly shocked I am. I've been sick since I got home last night! I did get a few hours sleep, when I woke up the thought immediately came back to me and I had hope for a split second that it was all just a dream. I laid there for a few minutes getting up the nerve to look over at the usual shot where my camera bag sits, hoping it would be there.... it was not, it wasnt just a dream!

Less than a month ago my beloved Todd ( my digital d100 camera ) broke in the middle of a wedding, yesterday my bag was stolen... is this a sign? Actually in the larger view of things, this has been a horrible year.... 1st my brake pad falls off my car in the middle of downtown Atlanta traffic, nearly killing me, not to mention that it cost $1000.00 to repair ( ON MY WAY TO A WEDDING) ! 2nd my Laptop just dies after 2 years of use, and of course without insurance or warrenty, a new one was of course $1200.00 at best buy (WHILE WORKING ON IMAGES FROM A WEDDING) . 3rd my poor Todd breaks ( WHILE SHOOTING A WEDDING) and will cost 500.00 to repair ( which I do not have ) and 4th my camera bag is stolen, ( WHILE SHOOTING A WEDDING) which will cost $1000.00 to replace it all.

I'm going to ask, flat out, what I ever did to deserve this??? When you look at it, I'm a good person, I pay my taxes, I try to help others who need it, I open doors for people who rarely ever say "thank you", but I take it with a smile, I dont go out and party and hang out with the "bad crowd", I dont do drugs, I dont steal & cheat... basically I'm a good person... so, WHY in all that is good and holy do these kinds of things happen to me, in a row, within months of eachother???? And, notice all bad things have a Wedding relation... is this a sign I shouldnt be doing what I'm doing? If it is, couldnt the one trying to make this point just send me a letter... I'll even sign COD for the postage costs, that would be so much cheaper and less stressful!!! I havent really had a reaction to anything that has happened to me lately... last night was the last straw on the pile. The next thing that happens, no matter how small it may seem, I vow to you, that I am going to flip out! I've reached my limit of just how much I can take... friends theres an excellent possibility you could be visiting me in the crazy house, or prison.. depending on the case that finally drives the nail through the skin!

I can now say that I will work cheap if you need pictures, odd jobs, like painting, mowing or gardening... appling to McDonalds seems like the thing to do, considering I was broke before yesterday... there is absolutely no way I can afford to replace any of the stuff that was stolen... I, my friends, am up a creek, without a paddle, a life vest, and am slowly sinking, due to this hole in my boat!



Blogger rachelpennington said...

You know that I feel your pain. :( I wish I could help you out with some cash, but the only thing I can afford to do right now is offer you my shoulder when you need it. *hug*


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