Sunday, September 25, 2005

Princess Summer, of Far Far Away

Sunday was a lazy day, I did a bunch of nothing really. Printed some stuff, organized some CD Data files, took a quick look at things I need to be listing on eBay, and watched Smokey & the Bandit and then I watched the Yearling. I just love Gregory Peck! My all time favorite movie is Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. If you've never seen it, you really should! Audrey Hepburn plays a princess who decides she's had enough of shaking hands and going to balls. She sneaks out of the castle where she meets Gregory Peck's character. He plays a reporter who befriends her to get an exclusive story. He calls on his friend Irvin, who is a professional photographer, to get all sorts of great candid shots of her when she least expects it. A classic movie with a photographer... gotta love it!

My niece Summer got a brand spanking new princess dress, she already owned the crown and shoes... of course. The dress, even though you can't see it here because it's not dark, has lights in the bottom fru-fru part. She totally looks the part and she's enough of a Madonna to pass as an official royal.


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