Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bear Tracking to Nowhere

Proof of our hike through the 100 acre woods. Shame though, we couldn't find Eeyore or Pooh anywhere... Guess they were at a money convention or something...trying to figure out how to spend there millions.

Today I worked out for a whopping half hour, which is better than I've been doing lately. I'm been a bit lazy but I vowed today that we'll have no more of that. I came to my senses as I was watching TV and I could've sworn I felt my butt grow a little... I got straight up and went outside and started walking.

Tomorrow I'm going to go bike riding in the morning followed by a walk and some weight lifting. I tell you this so you can hold me to it... which apparently I need.

Have ya'll noticed that even though I'm updating my blog it's still days behind? I actually love the fact that I'm making progress in the past. It's like the rest of the world is having there Saturday afternoon and I'm still living in last Wednesday! It's the perfect way to travel through time and still be home in time for your Saturday afternoon BBQ... the best of both worlds!


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